
How to Order

All GOVMVMT contracts have been competitively solicitated and awarded to save you time and money on the goods and services you need NOW.

How to Order with GOVMVMT


Assure that your agency is registered with GOVMVMT via your Tax Identification Number (Federal TIN/EIN). This number is your “account” number within our cooperative purchasing program.


Take advantage of GOVMVMT’s excellent contract pricing! It’s that simple.

Registration is easy and free. There is no cost, commitment to buy, or minimum order to register with GOVMVMT.

GOVMVMT’s team will connect you with our suppliers and their contract pricing, and our suppliers are able to take orders from your agency immediately. That means no waiting through a lengthy solicitation and award process.

Payment Options

Our suppliers offer a wide range of payment options, including cash, credit cards, P-cards, and POs with payment terms. Some suppliers also offer advanced ERP and eCommerce payments, which the GOVMVMT team or our suppliers’ key contracts can discuss with you.

The best procurement process is one you can see.

Public agencies looking to piggyback off of a GOVMVMT contract can trust our due diligence process to be completely thorough and transparent.

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