Volatia is a U.S. based language network and a leading provider of professional language translation solutions and interpreter services in over 300 languages, 24/7/365. You can learn more at https://www.volatia.com
Lead Agency: Chesterfield County, VA
Contract Number: ADMN2400414
Term: April 3, 2024 to April 2, 2029
Option to renew for an initial 3 year term followed by a 2 year term through April 2, 2034
Volatia GovMVMT Team
Contract Documents
Chesterfield County - Volatia Contract
DownloadAddendum 1
DownloadAddendum 2
DownloadTranslation Services RFP Chesterfield County, VA
DownloadVolatia Full Response - part 1
DownloadVolatia Full Response - part 2
DownloadTranslation Services RFP Chesterfield County,VA Proof of Advertisement
Volatia’s national contract provides translation services, interpretation management systems, and related products services via the GovMVMT Cooperative Agreement:
Phone Interpretation (OPI)
All you need is a phone and you can easily connect to an interpreter in any language within seconds. Once we’ve created an account for you, you will be given an access code that you can use to connect to an interpreter on-demand 24/7/365. For ease of access, download our mobile app and connect to an interpreter in a click of a button.
Video Interpreting (VRI)
Video interpreters help you capture non-verbal communications and are a great solution when serving individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing through sign language(s). Volatia has simplified access to video interpreters to a click of a button. In the top right-hand corner of this website, click login or simply download our mobile app in the apple or google stores.
Virtual Platform Interpreting (VPI)
Virtual Interpreting refers to interpreter services provided through a 3rd party application such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc. and thus require a scheduled appointment with the interpreter. Simply contact us to create a work order and provide us a link. This service has become a standard for conferences or large events that require virtual interpreters.
Simultanious Interpretation (STI)
Simultaneous interpretation is used in situations in which the interpreter and the person being interpreted speak simultaneously. When performed through a vertual platfrom, equipment fees and other event managment fees can be avoided. When the event is in-person, headphones, microphones, and a sound proof booth are necessary, allowing the interpreter to interpret and listen at the same time. This form of interpretation is generally used in conferences or large group settings.
Onsite Interpreting (OSI)
Onsite interpreting, also known as in-person or face-to-face interpreting, is when a language interpreter is scheduled to meet a client at a given location to bridge a language barrier. Volatia provides interpreters in-person in over 300 languages, including Sign Language(s). Schedule your next in-person interpreter with Volatia.
LEP Call-In Lines
Volatia’s technology empowers your Limited English Proficient (LEP) clients to access your services whenever they want. With an LEP Call-In line, your client will be able to connect to an interpreter of his or her native language first, and then connect to your staff.
Interpreter Managment Systems (terpX)
Unleash your team with terpX, the most user-friendly and comprehensive Interpreter management and scheduling platform. This proprietary technology is designed with purposeful automations for organizations that provide or manage interpreter services on demand.
Document Translation Solutions
The effort of translating your written materials demonstrates your commitment to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of your business relationships. Volatia can help you turn every written message into the language your customers understand.
How to order
Our services can be accessed by phone, mobile, app, web app, and email. You can learn more on how to access and use Volatia’s services at https://www.volatia.com
Who is Volatia Language Network?
Volatia is a U.S. based language network and a leading provider of professional language translation solutions and interpreter services in over 300 languages, 24/7/365. You can learn more here: https://www.volatia.com/about.
How does Volatia Language Network pricing compare to other national/regional cooperative programs?
Volatia is very competitive and offers volume incentives. Leveraging this contract allows any government agency to benefit from the volume discounts applied through this national cooperative.
How do I obtain a price comparison?
Price comparisons were made through the RFP process. Volatia was chosen in part due to our very competitive rates. This cooperative agreement affords you the best price for the expected quality and services.
Are volume discounts available?
Volume discounts were applied during the RFP process. Volatia was chosen in part due to our very competitive rates. This cooperative agreement affords you the best price for the expected quality and services.
What are other benefits/advantages of contracting with Volatia Language Network?

Are there rebates paid by Volatia Language Network?
All financial incentives were negotiated during the RFP process. This cooperative agreement offers the best rates for the expected quality and services.
Can I order services online?
Yes. Our services can be accessed by phone, mobile, app, web app, and email. You can learn more on how to access and use Volatia’s services here: https://www.volatia.com/qrg
Does Volatia Language Network offer expedited services?
Yes. Volatia services are available on-demand, 24/7/365.
How do I set up an account?
Contact us: https://www.volatia.com/contact
How do I locate my local representative?
Once your account has been created, you will be assigned a relationship manager. This individual will remain your primary contact. Of course, you will always have access to our customer service team on-demand.